They call it Colony Collapse Disorder, but evidently no one knows what causes it. The worker bees just leave the hive and don't come back.
This guy at the US Department of Agriculture says that they're not dying from starvation because they would find bodies. They're not dying in the hive from pesticides because they would find bodies. They're just leaving and not returning. He says the experts don't know where they're going...they are just disappearing.
But, he says, it's not uncommon for a diseased animal to want to die away from their home. So, the bees could be diseased in some way and are flying away from the hive (just not dying IN the hive) and are dying elsewhere.
Then he points out the part that scared me. He says that if scientists don't figure out what's killing the bees, in a few years many of the things we eat will be gone, such as apples, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Gone. With nothing to pollinate the flowers, many of the foods we eat won't be able to grow.
I sat here ruminating about that for a short while when a scripture screamed out in my head like almost nothing has before. Look it up. Doctrine and Covenants Section 45, verse 31. I'll wait.
Instead of that, let me print it out here for you.
D&C 45:31You may think this is a stretch, but I'm not so sure. I've been somewhat of a conspiracy theorist my whole life, so my brain is used to thinking like this.
31 And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land.
What if the scourge, the desolating sickness, isn't human?
What if the D&C is talking about the bees?
We know from not only modern-day revelation but also ancient scripture that there will be bad times in the coming years. The Brethren have been challenging us, pleading with us and begging us to stock up on food, to have a year's supply, to start now.
At the very least it's something to think about. I'm not saying my thoughts are gospel, and I may very well be wrong.
But what if I'm not?