Your team is now in the process of trying to get the release of January 6th documents blocked by the Supreme Court. The House committee that's investigating that day and your involvement in it has made a sweeping request for your documents, and you've sent your lawyers in to block that release.
I have one question for you. If you had nothing to do with the invasion of the Capital that day, what are you worried about?
I mean, where there's smoke there's fire, right brother? Smoke and fire. Think about that and the message you're sending to the American people.
It reminds me of the little kid who got his hand stuck in cookie jar, and when his mom asked to see that hand he asked, "What hand?"
All it tells me is that you're guilty.
Prove me otherwise.
Dear President Biden,
Your Press Secretary Jen Psaki said something this week with which I take great exception.
When speaking about Senator Manchin's decision to not vote for your Build Back Better program, she said, "If his comments on Fox and in written statements indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate.”
Excuse me, Mr. President, but isn't Senator Manchin's FIRST commitment to his constituents? If he feels that your program spends too much money on the wrong things and would not be good for the people of West Virginia, don't you think that's more important than honoring some made-up commitment he has with his fellow Democrats? Those good people elected him and he's supposed to represent THEM, not YOU.
This is exactly what's wrong with our political system today. Too many of our ELECTED officials are in it for themselves or for their party. I personally respect Mr. Manchin for standing up for his ideals and the people of West Virginia. It's about time someone did. It certainly hasn't been you.