Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hannah's Parade

Last Saturday (12/4) we went to Manassas early in the morning and watched the Christmas parade. In September, Hannah made the local dance company and they were asked to come and dance in the parade. Actually, we hit three parades in two days. Lots of traveling and lots of running to get her places on time. But in the end, it was all worth it. Below is a video of her dancing in the Manassas parade on Saturday morning. It was very, very cold (in the 30's), but she was a real trooper. And honestly, so was Jacob. He didn't complain one time.

May I just say, I have the best family around. They are so good to me and patient. And talented? Come on! I love my family and cherish every single minute I spend with them. I am so proud of all of them.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Jacob, that's impressive! I don't know if I could go to three parades in 30-degree weather and not complain one time! I bet Hannah had a ball! I love parades:)