Friday, May 27, 2011

Costa Rica 2011

The plane touched down at 12:40am on Wednesday, May 25th. After riding the train back to the main terminal, we claimed our baggage and waited for the van that would take us home. It was just a few minutes before 2am when we finally arrived. The kids went to bed immediately, having to arise only five hours later for school. Kelly retired shortly after them, and I followed a couple of minutes later, after checking all of the doors and feeding the fish.

It was a terrific vacation. Zip lining, swimming with dolphins, a second death march, poison dart frogs and four different kinds of monkeys. We did it all, and it was incredible. I'll write more about our trip in the coming days, but for now, please enjoy some photos from Costa Rica.


Alison said...

Wow, how fun! I love the picture of the frogs - that's so awesome!

bNdZfam said...

Great pics dude. I can't wait to read about the fam's adventures.