Monday, August 13, 2012

King's Dominion II

King's Dominion is my kind of place.

Especially when it's overcast, slightly rainy, and humid.

The reason for that is because that kind of weather scares off a lot of people.

Such was the case on Saturday when we packed up the car, braved I-95 (crawling), and went down to Richmond.

Usually I don't like Richmond much, though my nephew Michael seemed to like it on his mission. It's too hot for me, and way too humid. But if you're going to ride the Intimidator, you've got to take Mohammad to the mountain.

I didn't take a lot of pictures this weekend, as I was too busy riding the rides. Besides, it was sprinkling just a tad for some of the day, and I didn't want my camera getting all messed up. Suffice it to say that the picture of my sweet wife above (on The Avalanche) was my assessment of the day, too.

We rode all of the biggies. The Dominator, The Intimidator, The WindSeeker, The Grizzly, The Hurler, The Avalanche, Flight of Fear, The Shockwave, The Anaconda, The Berserker and yes, The Crypt. All fabulous rides. Just above is a video of Jacob's car going by on The Avalanche. You can get an idea of how fast it goes from that.

To the left is a shot I took from about the same place, of Hannah and Gammy's car going by. If you blow it up so you can see them really well (second car, from Germany), you'll see that Gammy's eyes are shut tight. The thing I noticed about the rides on Saturday is that they go the same speed and go to the same place whether you close your eyes or not. Sorry Gammy.

For those of you who don't know, Sofia is back living with us now. She's staying until August 23rd, when she'll go home to Spain. She came and lived with us last summer as a foreign exchange student. This summer she just decided to come back and spend some time with us. She went with us to King's Dominion, too. I think that by the end of the day she was pretty worn out...just like the rest of us.

All good things must come to an end, I guess, and all in all it was a great day. My favorite ride was either The Intimidator (steep ascent, 85 degree fall, 2G's and then zero-G's made me see stars, literally) or The Dominator (which I wrote about last time). I also liked Flight of Fear (0-60 in about two seconds and the whole ride is in the dark). But I think if you asked Hannah which one she liked the best, it would either be The Avalanche or the one pictured at the left. It was called The Scrambler...a family ride...and yes, it was one of the best. Those oldies but goodies are always some of the best, aren't they?

1 comment:

bNdZfam said...

Ah yes, Oldies but goodies- they're always the best... just like the music (well, our oldies but goodies, not the old oldies. Some are OK, but not as good, right?) That's a cool shot on the Scrambler...