Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I'm really ticked off.

I'll get to the reason in just a minute.

First, let me say that I am no fan of Mr. Obama (or is it Osama?), nor his failed policies. I did not vote for him in 2008 and I will not vote for him in 2012. Nor would I EVER vote for him. Tie me to a greased pig and let him run through a briar patch filled with black widow spiders and black mamba snakes and I would still vote for Pee Wee Herman before him. In my opinion he has been one of the worst presidents to ever "grace" the Oval Office. Therefore, you can take what I say with a pinch of salt.

One of my biggest pet peaves with this joker is that our wonderful country is now four TRILLION dollars further in debt than we were when he took over the watch, despite his promises otherwise. Because of him, and other greedy politicians in Washington, we are going to be repaying this debt until the cows come home, and their calves and then their grand-calves, and maybe more. None of them (politicians) know anything about the meaning of the phrase "living within your means".

Don't get me wrong. It's not totally his fault, though I fear that when he reads of Harry Truman he thinks that the phrase "the buck stops here" refers to antlers and venison. No, he's had plenty of help with spending my retirement and that of my kids and grandkids. Four TRILLION dollars further in debt, and in four years we'll be four TRILLION dollars deeper, and my great-grandkids won't have two dimes to rub together.

Do you realize how much four TRILLION dollar is? Let me put it this way. The average dollar bill is 0.010922 centimeters thick. If you piled four TRILLION of those Georges on top of each other (not length-wise or width-wise, but on top of each other like they used to be in your wallet before he stuck his fingers in there), you'd have a stack that was 43,688,000,000 centimeters high, or 271,464 miles high! The mileage from earth to the moon is only 238,857 miles, a relative cake walk compared to our debt. In other words, with that stack you would get to the moon and still have 32,607 MILES left over! Now, tell me, how am I, my kids, my grandkids and on and on and on (ad infinitum) going to pay that money back? You tell me, Mr. Obama!

When you mix in the abysmal unemployment rate, our troubles with the Middle East, lower take-home pay, the staggering economy, Syria, Libya, Russia and our constantly weakening military, not to mention a lot of other troubles we now face, this country is in a world of hurt. I honestly don't think this country has been in this bad of a situation since the Founding Fathers took their own lives in their hands and signed the Declaration of Independence.

But as bad as all that is, it's not the reason I'm so ticked off today. No, the reason for that is that, in my opinion, we have a President who is one of the most condescending individuals I have ever listened to. After watching last night's debate, which I am unbiased enough to call a draw, I am of the firm resolution that he thinks he's A LOT better than anyone else, especially Mitt Romney.

Here's why.

After telling the world that the United States Navy is smaller than it's been since 1917, Governor Romney was forced to listen to the following from our illustrious leader (and I use both of those terms VERY loosely):

"Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go under water, nuclear submarines."

Seriously? Is that the way you treat other people, Mr. Obama? If it is, it explains the awful mess our country is in right now. No wonder no one has any respect for us these days.

I've been thinking about it and I believe that if someone had said that to my face in front of the world, I might have entertained the notion of punching him in the nose. Thank goodness Governor Romney is a better man than me. My utmost respect goes to him for not losing his cool when baited that way by The Community Organizer. I, as hot-headed as I can be sometimes, might not have followed protocol and smiled like he did (and before you get any ideas, NO, I would not his the president, no matter how much I dislike him or his policies).

A few choice words come to mind to describe how I feel about this man. Suffice it to say that I literally feel physically ill when the thought comes to mind that he could possibly win another four years in office.

Please America, wake up! Join the other 47% who are voting with their children and grandchildren in mind. Join the 47% who value America and the standards that were set 200+ years ago. Turn your back on greed and incompetence and raise your voices high in the night with shouts of

NOBAMA!! ----------


Alison said...

I agree. It's really hard for me to watch the debates for that reason. He is soooo condescending, and it drives me crazy wishing that Romney could just shout out and defend himself. So rude! Just because it's a debate doesn't mean common decency doesn't apply.

bNdZfam said...

Well said, dude. And like you mentioned, the debate may have been a draw. But when you've got the media at your disposal, do you read about his condescending attitude? And not to mention, WRONG on many of the points he was calling Romney on. No, they all say how well, "The Prez" did and came off the winner. He came off the wiener, that's all. We definitely saw who acted and came off presidential that night. America, snap out of it- Nobama's got you hypnotized! Stand up for what is right and for someone that can hopefully stop the Washington Welfare Wagon from crankin' out another trillion. Romney's got uphill battle, I mean, how can you compete against a guy who's giving out free money and Obamaphones?

Go Romney.... NOBAMA!!!