Friday, August 6, 2010

UFO Sighting!

A new report out today contends that Winston Churchill covered up a UFO sighting back during the war. According to the UK's National Archives, he ordered a cover-up of an encounter between an RAF bomber and a UFO. The report says he "feared that news of the incident would create public panic and a loss of faith in religion."

It goes on to say that even Dwight D. Eisenhower, then the commander of the Allied Forces and future president of our United States, knew of the encounter and was ordered by Churchill to keep mum about it. This information was to be kept secret for 50 years.

One of Churchill's bodyguards overheard the order. Years later, he told his family, who told their family, who inquired about it to those in authority. Those files were made public yesterday.

It says that the UFO hovered "noiselessly" near the bomber before "zooming" away. Those on the bomber were able to take some photos of the UFO, but they were not released.

Let me say from the outset that I've always been fascinated by UFO's and their sightings, I DO believe in people from other planets, and I do think that UFO's are a perfectly acceptable possibility. If you think I'm nuts already, you're free to stop reading right now.

I just can not conceive of a reason why people can't accept this. Are we really the only ones in the whole universe? Have you looked at our universe lately? It's awfully big. To believe that we're the only ones in that whole starry sky just baffles me.

Why is it so hard to believe that Area 52 may have been real? I'm not saying it was, but why is it so hard to accept? Are we really so self-important that we can't believe that God may have created others on other planets?

I try to be a religious guy. I admit that. I embrace that. I think God is the Father of all those on the earth, and all those elsewhere. I believe He's so great and so omnipotent that He created worlds without end. Those worlds, a lot of them anyway, have other beings on them. What they look like, I don't know. But the scriptures I believe in say that we were created in God's image. We look like Him, just like a son looks like his father. Couldn't there be others who were created in His image, too?

Take away the religious part for just a second. Say you go to the beach and enjoy yourself on vacation. It's the only beach you ever go to, but you enjoy it so much that you always go back. Does that mean that there aren't other beaches? Maybe you'd enjoy them even more if you went to one of them instead.

Same thing, if you ask me. We're here, but it surely doesn't mean we're the only ones. There has to be somewhere else. There have to be other worlds with people on them. If one day I find out definitively that there are other places and other people, I certainly won't lose my faith in religion. In fact, that faith will have been strengthened by that knowledge.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe brotha. But, I'm more of a Area 51 guy myself. I hope one day they come and pick me up. I'll tell them we must pick up my good friend Stefan for a spot of fun. Then I'll say, "hey Brlegrphe, let's go buzz the tower!"