Friday, November 9, 2012

Open Letter

An Open Letter to the President of the United States

9 November 2012

Dear Mr. President...

Let me be honest about this right up front. I didn't vote for you in 2008 and I didn't vote for you in 2012. In fact, I'm a little amazed that ANYONE could vote for you either time. I shake my head and puzzle over it every day. With the economy the way it is, the unemployment rate the way it is, the national debt the way IT is, how could anyone vote for the guy who made it that way? That's you, by the way.

It's just unbelievable to me, frankly, given the fact that we had a very good man ready to take your seat in the Oval Office, who not only has business acumen but experience doing the job. He could have gotten us on the road to recovery. Simply put, Mr. President, if this had been a business you'd have been out on your butt long ago, pounding pavement like the other 20 million people who are out of work. And frankly, I think that's the way it should be.

But alas, here we Republicans are with the post-election blues, licking our wounds and hoping for a better day...soon. But though I do not like the outcome of Tuesday's election, I respect the democratic process and am grateful that we live in a land wherein we can cast our vote and let our voices be heard. If my guy lost (which he did), so be it. More props to the man who didn't.

Honestly, I wish you luck, Mr. President, and Godspeed. I hope you succeed in making this a better place to live. I really, really do. Even if it means electing another Democrat in four years, that's fine, as long as our country is back where it was meant to be...on top.

But doggone it, Mr. President, you work for me. I'm your boss. I, and the millions like me, are the ones to whom you should answer, not China, not Israel, not Iran or Iraq. Me! And though I didn't vote for you (either time), I'm still your boss.

So, accordingly, I'm going to do something I very rarely do. I'm going to give you a direct order.

Fix this economy!

Get people back to work!

Get us out of debt!

Tell the truth about Benghazi!

Work with the Republicans to clean up this fiscal cliff issue!

And when you get finished with all of that, quit bowing to foreign dignitaries! We're the United freaking States! We don't bow to anybody!

Do you understand me?

Now get to work and don't make me tell you again. Otherwise, I'm sure we'll all be seeing what the United States would have looked like had Jimmy Carter gotten a second term.

Very Sincerely,

Your boss
Stefan Schetselaar, et al.


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