Wednesday, January 12, 2011

After the Storm

Isn't winter a beautiful time of year? I love the quiet beauty of a snowstorm, the ice that clings relentlessly to the downspout and the frosty slab that covers a frozen pond. I love the naked trees shivering in the wind, if only for the fact that I know that life still thrives within its frozen branches.

I love when the howling wind picks up a handful of drifted snow and hurls it through the air, momentarily filtering the sun's futile attempt at warmth. I love the glowing fire that lights and heats my home, crackling sparks flying heavenward. I love winter.

Actually, Autumn is my favorite season of the year, Summer my least. Winter falls between the two. But I find rare beauty in the frozen tundra, the arctic blast and children's laughter as they throw the year's first snowballs.

Sometimes old man winter blows harder and colder than you think you are able to bear. The wind whistles through your clothes, chilling your bones to the marrow. Snow whips up off the ground and is blown against your face. Extremities seem to freeze in the cold, icy air. If you've ever experienced a Virginia winter, you know how absolutely freezing it can get, saying nothing of more nether regions.

The winds of adversity also blow extremely cold. Chilling feelings to the core, change, along with its companion, anguish, affect everyone at one time or another. No one is immune to their icy glare, their freezing touch or their shiver-creating breath.

For some, storm after storm batter their good intentions, a veritable Nor'Easter of adversity slamming them with immeasurable intensity. Others, meanwhile, are met with hurricane-force winds that freeze them to the center. Everyone feels the effects of winter, whether you live in a tropical climate or not.

The great thing about night, though, is that morning is right around the corner. Winter always gives way to Spring. Soon, tender shoots will begin to emerge from the thawing ground, buds will sprout from the shivering branches, and the air, that chilling, freezing wind, will surrender to the warming zephyrs of Spring.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. No matter how angry old man Winter looks, Spring is just a little way off. The sun always comes up tomorrow, all you've got to do is hang on.

We got a winter storm last night. It only dumped about an inch of snow on us, just enough to delay schools by two hours. On my way to work I saw the sun rise over the snow-covered hills through a small break in the clouds. It got me to thinking how blessed I am that the Lord is always there. The love of our Savior is always there, ready for us to enjoy...if we will. The clouds will part. The sun will shine. He is over all.

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