Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yesterday's Snow

The snow here yesterday was beautiful, but very dangerous. Salt trucks laid down salt and sand yesterday morning on major roads. By the afternoon, however, it was all gone because it rained almost all day before changing into snow. Consequently, it was almost as if the roads had not been treated at all. And the bad thing about the snow was that it started falling in earnest right as the evening commute started. There were people in their cars for up to 7 or 8 hours trying to get home from work. It only took me an hour and 40 minutes. It is usually a 40-minute drive. Twenty-four miles. That's it. Top speed was 27 mph.

On the way to work this morning I saw at least a dozen cars stranded in the ditch. I was very blessed to get home safely, though when I did get there I had to park in the road. The car would not get up the driveway. This morning I went out to discover that it had been buried by the snowplows coming through the neighborhood. I'm tired today because of the snow I had to shovel this morning (an hour and 40 minute job).

It's all good, though. I'm thankful for the safe travel last night. I'm thankful for the safe travel today. I'm thankful that I even have a car. And I'm thankful that I have such a good family who tried to shovel the driveway before I got home. The trouble was, it was snowing so hard that they would shovel about five feet, turn around and it was all covered again. They are so dear to me. I love them with all my heart.

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