Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday Boy

Saturday was Jacob's 12th birthday. Unbelievable, really. Twelve years since he was born? Seems like a week and a half. I can still remember everything about that day like it was yesterday. It's almost sad to think that he's way more than halfway out of my house. Actually, it's very sad.

Anyway, last in the morning I took him and his sister over to the stone house for some sledding. Having just bought two nice sleds that morning, I figured the kids were ready for some serious sledding. I was right, but only half right.

Jacob took to the hill and didn't want to let up. He must have gone down two dozen times in the two hours we were there. It was literally slide down the hill, walk back up to the top and get right back on the sled. To the right you can see him carrying his new sled. Actually, I didn't give either one of the sleds to either one of the kids. They were both given to both of them. Therefore, there was no fighting about which one they were going to use. I'm so smart. And they call my sister oeyes1.

Hannah, on the other hand, hit her head on the very first run and was never the same until we left. Well, let me take that back. For a while she was very grumpy and didn't want to go down the hill at all. But when we started going down together, all three of us on two connected sleds, she was ready to go for it again. To the left you can see her in her grumpy state.

The snow was very, very icy and very hard, so I can see why she would not be anxious for that to happen again. When we all went down together, however, we stayed going straight down the hill and no one was hurt again. Below you can see videos of them on the hill with their brand new sleds. Perfect day for sledding.

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