Thursday, June 10, 2010

Second Coming?

Many years ago I graduated from BYU with a degree in Broadcast News. I became a member of the Fourth Estate, digging and writing, questioning and creating. I covered news from local human interest to nationally relevant. But I didn't enjoy it like I thought I would. There were too many baby killings and excessive trials. It just wasn't something I wanted to subject my family to, so I got out.

Over the years since I've watched the media become so self-important that it's made my blood boil. Gone are the days when reporters are supposed to be subjective and unbiased. Now people seem to rely on the media to tell them what to do and what to believe. It's reprehensible, if you ask me.

So, I watched with interest the debut of one Stephen Strasburg. Before I get started, let me say that I'm a fan. I hope the kid does well. I want him to go to the Hall of Fame one day. I just think it's a little early to start casting his image in bronze.

If you ask any of the local media organizations, however, the HOF is late with his induction. I heard things like, "This kid is so talented that he will turn The Nationals around" and "This is the most talented player to come into the majors since Babe Ruth." All of this, BEFORE HE EVER THREW ONE PITCH IN THE MAJORS!!

Come on. Have we really gone down that road? Have we really come to the point where ballplayers are branded Hall of Famers before they even put on the uniform? I believe in hyperbole, but this is ridiculous!

The comment that got me writing about this was spoken by one of the locals yesterday afternoon. I heard it as I was taking off my shoes after a hard day's work at the office. Before I could even settle down into the easy chair I heard, "The long wait for Washington is over! Stephen Strasburg is here to save the Nationals!"

Granted, he had a monster outing in his first game. Fourteen strikeouts in 7 innings. Two earned runs and only a couple of hits. I admit it, that's good for anyone, let alone someone in his first game. But the savior of the organization? Could we wait until he's 23 or 24 and has more than 7 innings under his belt to lay that whole Second Coming thing in his lap?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Word brotha- you are right! "I think that was fast. Do you think that was fast? I think that was fast."

You've got to admit- he's fast.