Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Spring Cleaning

If you were to take a quick look inside my brain, I'm not sure what you'd find. To me, it's always seemed so crowded in there with the quagmire of useless information I've amassed over a lifetime. I've got so much junk piled up. I really need a spring cleaning. Useless baseball facts and stats will only get you so far in this life.

There are doubtless multiple personalities vying for their fair share of time in the limelight, as I'm convince that everyone has different masks they put on in varying situations. All the world's a stage, you know. I've got a work persona and a play persona, the family persona and the church persona. Then I've got some that may not be quite as well developed, like the attractive-person-talking-to-me persona and the really-officer-I-was-only-going-30-in-the-school-zone persona. I only pull those out when I need to, but I think about them all the time. They live right next to the you'll-be-sorry-when-I'm-dead-and-gone persona. I use that one more than I guess I should.

They say that people use about 10% of their brain. I wonder what the other 90% is doing while the active 10% is working. Mine probably just sits and watches television. I tend to do that too much, filling those far away corners with more useless information, like who shot JR and where the beef really is. That portion of my brain is slowly starting to turn to jelly.

Granted, there are still some good uses for my brain, other than using it as a football. I still carry around with me the good memories of my dad and I keep adding memories of my own family, my mom and my siblings, all of whom are still, thankfully, around. Those sections are solid and treasured. I also store scriptures and other odds and ends in there. My brother stores more words than I know. I don't understand half of what he says.

But that good part of my brain is about as big as a pea, egregiously overstuffed about as tight as a superball. The rest, well, let's just say that I could fill up the front lawn with a yard sale. The only bad thing is that when I get that all cleaned out, not only will it be an awfully big empty in there, but nobody would want all that junk anyway. I'd just have to pick it all up and put it back where it is.

Never mind. That sounds like an awful lot of work. I think I'll hold off on the spring cleaning for now.

Has anyone seen that remote?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Clever! I agree with you about Marc knowing more words than I know, but you have some pretty good ones floating around in your brain too.....egregiously??!! good one!