Tuesday, June 29, 2010

To Win or Not to Win

We finally bought our tickets to Utah last night. Unfortunately, they cost us waaaay more than we would have liked. I wish to heck we'd bought them last month, when we first started looking at them. They were about $175 per ticket cheaper than they are now.

The problem is, and has been, that we still may not get to use them. Jacob was elected to the All-Star team, a fact for which we are very, very grateful. Jacob loves playing on the All-Star teams. This is his third year and he always enjoys it. The problem is that the tournament goes until July 19th. On July 19th, we're scheduled to be in Utah, climbing up to Mt. Timponogos and its fascinating cave. So, we've been in stand-by mode for some time now.

The deal with the tournament is that it's lose two and you're done. The first year Jacob played, they were two and done. Last year, however, they played four games. The team is better this year than last and so I'm expecting them to do even better, going deep into it and maybe even playing for the championship. So, we find ourselves in the unenviable position of wanting Jacob's team to win, but also wanting to be on that plane on July 15th.

The thing is - and everyone who knows us should already know this, too - if they do win and go deep, Jacob will be there for the games. He's won the championship as a Yankee, but he's never won anything outside of the local Little League. This year he has his chance, and whether our plane leaves without us or not, we're rooting for our son to succeed. Wouldn't any other decent parent?


Unknown said...

maybe a parent, but not an aunt. i'm afraid i'll be hoping for a quick loss. i know. selfish.

Alison said...

All I have to say is, I hope he does well buuuuuuut I definitely hope you guys get to come! Maybe we can compromise - he can do really well in all the games, but the rest of the team won't, so you'll still get to come! :)