Friday, June 25, 2010

A Wonderful Life

Just outside my window at work there is a large tree. To me, it appears to be a button bark maple tree, though I'm not 100% sure. Cerulian patches of heaven peak through its branches, accentuating the jagged sharps of the leaves. Beyond, there are Canada geese quietly searching for tiny nuggets from the insect world in the grass. Occassionally they chase each other in a breakneck war of territory, nipping at each others tail feathers like a woodpecker in a virgin forest. In the forefront, the company pond, where a great blue heron stalks his prey in the mirky water, slowly and patiently taking each careful step. In the background, an itinerant worker riding the Zamboni-style lawnmower listens to his iPod. The yolk-yellow hue of dandelions begins to poke it's head up through the verdant lawn.

Why do I paint such an idyllic picture? I guess to capture for myself how beautiful this world can be, even when it's not trying.

It's been hot here in Virginia the last week. Hot as in near 100 degrees and with nearly that much humidity. As Yogi Berra once said, "It's not the heat, it's the humility."

But despite the sticky conditions, this world is really a gorgeous place to live. I love watching the birds play in the branches of that maple. They're mostly mockingbirds, but I've seen others, too. My dad loved birds. My wife loves birds. I now love birds, too. Look closely. Birds are beautiful.

So are all the colors of this world. I'm red/green colorblind, but even I can tell what care the Creator took in creating and assigning Roy G Biv, and all of his close neighbors. I once read that there are more than 18 decillion colors, which is an 18 with 33 zeroes after it. That's not infinity, but you pass by the decillion's house just before you get there.

You ever seen a good sunset when it's really humid and there are plenty of clouds in the sky? A masterpiece. I think every single one of those 18 decillion colors is involved in some way or other.

I love this world. I'm so happy to be alive in it. I try to take time to smell the flowers every day. One day they won't be there anymore, or I won't. I want to be ready and have lived life when that day comes. The only way to do that is to consciously take time to appreciate what you've been given. I thank Heavenly Father every single day. This is a wonderful place to live, no matter where you are.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm right there with ya!